Year 6 Experience Week June 2024

 Year 6 Experience Week - June 2024
Our Experience week provided children with more activities than ever before with everyone taking part in something.  Monday saw us taking to the water at Willen Lake, Milton Keynes.  Children took part in raft-building, mega paddle boarding, kata-canoes and canoeing.  During the rest of the week, they visited Paccar Scout Camp to experience a range of land-based activities, including climbing, high ropes and caving.  Back at school, Premier Education instructors delivered archery, wide games and activities at the the local youth centre.  The mini-expedition will be long remembered by children as they walked 12km to Wendover Woods and back.  Finally, the whole year group joined together on the Friday for a day of problem solving and camp-craft.
Thank you to Mr Kirk and the school staff who spent a considerable amount of time in planning and delivering so many activities for the children.