Governor Profiles

Governing Body Membership 2023-24

Governor Declarations of Interest 2023-24

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Mr Sam Walker

Chair of Governors

My family moved to Wendover in 2016. We have three boys in or soon to join WJS. I am general counsel for a national property management company and hope to use skills and knowledge from my professional life to help WJS where I can.

Ms Priya Govekar

Chair of Governors

Dr Christine Lane

Co-opted Governor/Vice Chair

To follow

Rev Sally Moring

Vicar & Foundation Governor

I am the Vicar of St Marys Church, Wendover and a foundation governor for Wendover CE Junior School. I have been a governor here for 5 years; previously I have been a governor of a number of CE schools in Hillingdon and the chair of governors of a community school in my previous parish.
Many years ago I taught in the primary sector and so value the opportunity to draw on those skills and knowledge to support WCEJS as we aim to be the school of choice in our community and help the children to flourish underpinned by the Christian values. I am often seen in school leading the Collective worship as we encourage the children’s spirituality and well-being.

Mrs Helen Anderson

Foundation Governor

Mr Andrew Hobson

Parent Governor

Mrs Hannah Hook

Parent Governor

Mr Matthew Routledge

Foundation Governor